Benefit from our network...
It's all about finding the right people to work with. People who know what you want. People you can trust. Working with gives you access to a hand-picked network of independent consultants, trainers and subject experts, carefully built up by Manufacturing Consultant Andrew Nicholson and his team.
Whatever you want to improve in your business, there's a very good chance that we have an expert in that particular area. If you need access to specialist skills and expertise you've come to the right place.
We're all about expertise, collaboration and team-working. If you need big, multi-site, long-term transformation we have the resources and experience to deliver.
And if we can't help you directly, we can often point you to the right specialists and organisations who can.
To tap into that expertise contact us now.
How we can help...
No-one said that running a business is easy! But working with the right people makes it a lot quicker and easier. That's where we can help. We know what we're doing, we don't faff about and we focus 100% of our time and effort on improving your business.

Andrew Nicholson - Manufacturing Consultant – easy to work with…
It's all About You!
You own or run a successful manufacturing business...
We work in all sizes and shapes of business but we specialise in working with progressive "Can Do" leaders of successful private sector businesses. If that describes you, please read on...
You want big, sustainable improvements...
Everything we do is designed to increase the value of your business. "Never mind the jargon, let's find the simplest and quickest way to get the benefits that you want". We'll happily provide a one-hour Lean training session to get you started, but we can offer you much, much more. Our clients say we're particularly good at the big stuff: delivering major, multi-year, multi-site programmes.
You want an approach that suits you and your business...
Unlike many of our larger competitors we don't try to "force fit" one standard approach into every client. We understand that what works in another business or industry might not work for you. Yes, the Toyota Production System is superb - but it might not be right for you! We work out what you need to improve and where you are on your Improvement Journey. This means that you get real Business Benefits and you work in a way that suits you and your people. Most importantly, the changes are embedded and the improvements are sustained.
You want to work with practical, experienced people you can trust...
We follow a simple rule - "Do what's right for the Client". Because we're happy to pass on much of our skills and knowledge, most of our clients become self-sufficient. Even so, many return (sometimes years later) when they have a new project in mind or they're ready to move to the next level.
To find out how we can help you, email us now, call 01325 627 070 or use our contact form.